Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Baby Is Two

It is hard to believe that my Noah is two. It seems like yesterday that my legs and feet were so swollen they were unrecognizable. That Ruby was making plans to stay an extra week to wait for Noah. Yesterday that Dr. Rowland called and scheduled me a room to be induced and told me take it or leave it. That we decided to be induced on Mother's day. Yesterday that I labored while enjoying the effects of the drugs. That my beautiful baby boy was born. Yesterday I tell ya. But in reality it has been two years. I love Noah more every day. I am completely in love with him. He has been talking so much lately. He can put three or four word sentences together and he can repeat anything you say. (such as crap) He loves to run , jump, take a bath, swim, and get on momma's very last nerve. I am so thankful for the opportunity to stay at home with him. I know that his childhood will fly by. I know this because just yesterday he was safe and sound in my belly. Just yesterday I tell ya.


King Family said...

Oh and does it fly. So right about that. I'm thankful he arrived in a timely fashion and thankful he is healthy. He has been a blessing. I'm loving those big hugs and kisses he is giving now too. Happy birthday Noah, Pops and Grammy love you dearly. Can't wait to celebrate your day.

Kathryn said...

Awe Happy Birthday Noah!!!

Anonymous said...

Noah, Happy birthday day little man!!! I remember the day your mama called me and told me that she was expecting. I hope you have a great party. Sorry, that I can't come I have sick babies.
love you, Heather

Pawpaw/Finley and Nana/Ruby said...

Noah just think two years ago you were still in your mama's belly. I love you and I miss you. Happy birthday from Jamaica. We will be home soon.